The contribution of Islamic religious education to the integration of Muslims in Europe
The Islamic religious education should not only have the task to teach religious contents but also to reflect and analyze critically about these contents in the light of Muslims living together with various other confessions in a plural European society. Which problems and questions is a living together in Europe of humans of different confessions challenging today and how could Islamic Education contribute to their accomplishment? How could an Islamic education be conceived, which should contribute to the development and establishment of the European identity beside the Islamic? How do Islamic religious contents and modern values like human rights, pluralism, democracy, liberty of opinion etc. agree with? How far can an open view of Islam contribute to an overcoming of traditions, which can not be agreed with human dignity (for example obligation marrying, honour murdering, discrimination of women etc.)?
In the context of the planned IP (Intensive Programme) should be looked for answers to these questions in cooperation with students of sociology, education, religious education and theology. Then these answers are published in a multilingual website and should primarily be an orientation for Islamic religion teachers and educators in Europe.
Participating universities are...
1- University of Vienna/A: Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan
2- Universitatea Ovidius Constanta/RO: Prof. Dr. Nicole Dura
3- University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski/BL: Prof. PhD Lyumbomir Popov
4- University of Sakarya/TR: Prof. Dr. Recep Kaymakcan
5- University of Cyprus/CY: Dr. Béatrice Hendrich
6- University of Warsaw/PL: Prof.Dr. Agata Nalborczyk
7- University of Zaragosa/SP: Prof. Dr. Maria Angeles Vicente Sanchez
and Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Centro de Ciencias Humanas y CSIC Madrid: Margarita del Olmo, Phd

Interesting Links
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Vienna
T: +43 1 4277 46760
T: +43 1 4277 46763